Meeting Agenda
The Committee will decide whether to take items 4 and 5 in private.
The Committee will take evidence from—
Chris Brodie, Director of Regional Skills Planning and Sector Development, Skills Development Scotland
Marie Hendry, Depute Director, External Engagement and Partnerships, Open University
Paul Little, Vice-Chair of the College Principals Group, Colleges Scotland
Richard McClelland, Director, Qualifications for Industry
EFW/S6/21/11/2(P) (Private Paper)
Paper 1 Paper by the Clerk posted 12/11/2021 (Ref: EFW/S6/21/11/1, 96KB, pdf)
The Committee will consider the Scottish Government's consent notification in respect of the following instrument -
EFTA and TCA international agreement procurement SI.
EFW/S6/21/11/4(P) (Private Paper)
Paper 3 Paper by the Clerk posted 12/11/2021 (Ref: EFW/S6/21/11/3, 114KB, pdf)
The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting and the written submissions received.
EFW/S6/21/11/6(P) (Private Paper)
EFW/S6/21/11/5(P) (Private Paper)
The Committee will continue its consideration of a draft report.
EFW/S6/21/11/7(P) (Private Paper)