Current status: Answered by Graeme Dey on 21 December 2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-22648 by Graeme Dey on 16 November 2023, in light of the targets presented in the Heat in Buildings Bill consultation, whether it will begin to collect data on how many students are pursuing energy efficiency qualifications.
As highlighted in the Heat in Buildings Monitoring and Evaluation Framework release from 28 November, existing data on further and higher education enrolments and apprenticeship starts may give an indication of the scale of the skills pipeline for the sector, however since educational groupings can be quite broad, there are data limitations. The Scottish Government will continue to engage with the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and post-school learning and training providers to better understand those who enrol on courses that are relevant to the framework.