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Chamber and committees

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Inquiry into female participation in sport and physical activity


The Committee’s inquiry into the health and wellbeing of children and young people highlighted a significant decline in participation of girls in sport and physical activity as they reach adolescence. This can have a significant negative impact on their physical health and mental wellbeing. Based on these findings, the Committee agreed to undertake an inquiry into sport, looking specifically at barriers to female participation, including the intersectionality of additional barriers to participation, such as ethnicity and disability.

It was agreed the inquiry would focus on participation at both a community and elite level and would consider issues around how female sport is supported, reported, and promoted. 
The Committee aims to identify actions that should be taken to help increase the numbers of women and girls participating in sport and physical activity, and crucially what can be done to ensure they are able to remain active and engaged throughout their lives.

Your views

The call for views closed on 9 December 2022.

Read the responses

Read the summary of responses (1023KB, pdf) posted 07 February 2023

Watch video: Breaking Barriers

A video submission from Daisy Drummond on the challenges young women face in sport, undertaken as part of Daisy’s media studies exam.

Read the video transcript (57KB, pdf) posted 12 April 2023


Oral Evidence

14 March: The Committee took evidence from—

Katie Heath and Jenni Snell, Young Women Lead Committee, The Young Women’s Movement

Papers for the meeting on 14 March 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 14 March 2023


21 March: The Committee took evidence from—

Kirsty Garrett, Sports Development and Physical Activity Manager, Glasgow Life

Kate Joester, Policy and Influencing Coordinator Scotland, Living Streets Scotland

Euan Lowe, Chief Executive, Scottish Swimming

Patrick Murphy, Senior Manager, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture

Cecilia Oram, Head of Behaviour Change, Sustrans Scotland

Papers for the meeting on 21 March 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 21 March 2023


28 March: The Committee took evidence from—

Rona Blackwood, Head of Programmes, Children's Parliament

Eilidh Paterson, Inclusion & Culture Development Coordinator, Scottish Student Sport

Dr Mairi Stark, Scottish Officer, Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health

Papers for the meeting on 28 March 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 28 March 2023


18 April

Priyanaz Chatterji, International cricketer

Lee Craigie
, Retired professional mountain bike racer and Director, The Adventure Syndicate

Eilidh Doyle
, Retired track and field athlete and Board of Directors, Scottish Athletics

Gemma Fay
, Retired international footballer

Connie Ramsay
, Retired Commonwealth judo champion

Papers for the meeting on 18 April 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 18 April 2023

25 April:

Bobby Hain, Managing Director of Broadcasting, STV

Catherine Houlihan, Managing Editor, ITV Borders

John McLellan, Director, Scottish Newspaper Society

Margaret Mary Murray, Head of BBC Gaelic Language Services and Inclusion, BBC Scotland

Catherine Salmond, Editor, The Herald

Louise Thornton, Head of Commissioning, BBC Scotland

Papers for the meeting on 25 April 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 25 April 2023


23 May:

Ewelina Chin, CEO, HSTAR Scotland, representing BEMIS

Lynne Glen, Pathways Manager, Scottish Disability Sport

Baz Moffat, CEO and Co-founder, The Well HQ

Robert Nesbitt, Head of Physical Activity and Sport, SAMH

Heidi Vistisen, Policy Manager, LEAP Sports Scotland

Papers for the meeting on 23 May 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 23 May 2023


30 May:

Kim Atkinson, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Sports Association

David Ferguson, Chief Executive, Observatory for Sport in Scotland

Flora Jackson, Health Improvement Manager, Public Health Scotland

Maureen McGonigle, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Women in Sport

Ailsa Wyllie, Lead Manager, sportscotland

Papers for the meeting on 30 May 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 30 May 2023


6 June:

Maree Todd, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Scottish Government

Andrew Sinclair, Head of Active Scotland, Scottish Government

Papers for the meeting on 6 June 2023

Minutes for the meeting on 6 June 2023


The Committee published its report on 9 October 2023.

Read the report

The Scottish Government's response can be found in the Correspondence section of this page.

The Parliament debated the report on 28 November 2023.

Read the Official Report


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