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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Health Committee, 13 Dec 2005

Meeting date: Tuesday, December 13, 2005



Residential Care (Charges) (PE897)

The Convener:

Item 4 is consideration of PE897, a new petition referred to us by the Public Petitions Committee, which calls on the Parliament to consider and debate the financial implications for elderly people with mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, who have to sell their homes to pay for residential care. Given the relevance of the petition to the committee's care inquiry, does the committee agree to subsume consideration of the petition into the inquiry and to conclude the petition on that basis?

Members indicated agreement.

The clerks will write to the petitioner inviting her to make a written submission to our inquiry.

That ends our public business.

Meeting continued in private until 15:12.