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Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

Image description

Stuart McMillan

Scottish National Party

MSP for Greenock and Inverclyde (Constituency) 2016 - present day

Former MSP for West Scotland (Region) 2011 - 2016

Former MSP for West of Scotland (Region) 2007 - 2011

About Stuart McMillan

Contact details

Contact online

X (previously known as Twitter): @StuMcMillanSNP

Facebook: Stuart's facebook

Contact at the Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Phone: 01475 720930
Text relay calls welcome.

Contact at local office

26 Grey Place
PA15 1YF

Phone: 01475 720930
Text relay calls welcome.

Find out when the MSP's surgery times are on their website.


Cross-party groups

Stuart is a member of 9 cross-party groups

Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Accident Prevention and Safety Awareness


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Credit Unions

Deputy Convener

Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Drug and Alcohol Misuse


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Dyslexia

Deputy Convener

Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Maritime and Shipbuilding

Deputy Convener

Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Muscular Dystrophy


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Recreational Boating and Marine Tourism


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Science and Technology


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Visual Impairment


Parliamentary and Government Roles

Stuart has 2 parliamentary and government roles

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Branch Executive


Conveners Group


Party Roles

Stuart does not have any party roles

Previous roles

Stuart has had 28 previous roles

Previous roles in cross-party groups are not included in this list.

18 April 2023 - 14 July 2023

COVID19 Recovery Committee


31 March 2022 - 18 April 2023

COVID19 Recovery Committee

Substitute Member

17 June 2021 - 22 June 2021

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee


16 September 2020 - 04 May 2021

COVID19 Committee


22 December 2020 - 04 May 2021

Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints


14 June 2016 - 22 December 2020

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Deputy Convener

06 September 2018 - 16 September 2020

Culture Tourism Europe and External Affairs Committee


29 September 2016 - 06 September 2018

Culture Tourism Europe and External Relations Committee


06 September 2016 - 29 September 2016

European and External Relations Committee


08 June 2016 - 14 June 2016

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee


29 October 2014 - 23 March 2016

Devolution Further Powers Committee


08 January 2015 - 23 March 2016

Public Audit Committee


12 November 2013 - 11 December 2014

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Deputy Convener

18 September 2012 - 27 November 2014

Local Government and Regeneration Committee


23 October 2012 - 29 October 2014

Referendum Scotland Bill Committee


07 November 2013 - 12 November 2013

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee


18 September 2012 - 24 October 2012

Equal Opportunities Committee

Substitute Member

18 September 2012 - 24 October 2012

Subordinate Legislation Committee


14 June 2011 - 18 September 2012

Equal Opportunities Committee

Deputy Convener

01 June 2011 - 18 September 2012

Economy Energy and Tourism Committee


01 June 2011 - 14 June 2011

Equal Opportunities Committee


27 March 2008 - 22 March 2011

Parliamentary Liaison Officer to the Deputy First Minister

Scottish Government

27 March 2008 - 22 March 2011

Parliamentary Liaison Officer to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing

Scottish Government

26 February 2009 - 22 March 2011

Economy Energy and Tourism Committee


20 May 2010 - 22 March 2011

Equal Opportunities Committee


13 June 2007 - 26 February 2009

Justice Committee


11 December 2008 - 26 February 2009

Public Audit Committee


13 June 2007 - 10 December 2008

Audit Committee


Register of interests

Stuart's register of interests

MSPs must provide details of their financial interests in the Register of Interests. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. This is then updated with any changes they provide.

Here is the register for Stuart McMillan. The date of their initial statement was 02 June 2021.

Remuneration and related undertaking

No registrable interests


No registrable interests

Overseas visits

From 9-10 April 2022, I attended the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Executive Committee in Assam, India. The cost of six flights of £5,861 was met by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (of Richmond House, Houses of Parliament, London, 0AA) and the costs of accommodation of £538.37 and of meals of £37 were met by the Assam Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Branch (of Assam Legislative Assembly, Dispur, Guwahati 781006, Assam, India). The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is a membership association of legislatures from the Commonwealth which brings together Members, irrespective of gender, race, religion or culture, who are united by community of interest, respect for the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms, and by the pursuit of the positive ideals of parliamentary democracy. [Registered 5 April 2023]

From 19-25 August 2022, I attended the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Executive Committee in Halifax, Canada. The cost of flights of £1,642.89 was met by the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (of Richmond House, Houses of Parliament, London, 0AA) and the costs of accommodation of £348.61 and of meals of approximately £101.55 were met by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Canada Region (of the House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6). The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is a membership association of legislatures from the Commonwealth which brings together Members, irrespective of gender, race, religion or culture, who are united by community of interest, respect for the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms, and by the pursuit of the positive ideals of parliamentary democracy. [Registered 5 April 2023]

Controlled transactions

No registrable interests

Heritable property

No registrable interests

Interest in shares

No registrable interests


I am an Executive Committee member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) representing the Scottish Parliament. I initially joined the board in November 2018 as a substitute member for Northern Ireland. Stormont had ceased to operate thus no Northern Ireland member could take up their place. At the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Halifax Nova Scotia, the Scottish Parliament became a member in its own right for the following three CPC cycle. As such, I represent the Scottish Parliament at these meetings. I receive no remuneration for my involvement with the CPA. [Registered 5 May 2023]

On 3 May 2015 I was elected to the board of Moving On Inverclyde, a local Recovery service. I became Vice Chair on 7 November 2022 and I became Chair on 19 February 2024. I receive no remuneration for my involvement with Moving On Inverclyde. [Amended interest 8 November 2022, Amended interest 21 February 2024]

I am a lifetime honorary member of Action on Asbestos.

[Ceased interest removed from entry: 4 July 2024]

I am a lifetime honorary member of the Greenock and District Model Railway Club.

I have been an ambassador for the Ocean Youth Trust for Scotland since 6 April 2009. I receive no remuneration for this role.

Recent Activity

What was said

What Stuart McMillan has said in Parliament

These are the official transcripts of what was said by this MSP in the chamber and at committee meetings. You'll find the topic discussed and how many times this MSP has contributed to the discussion.

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee meeting date: 17 September 2024

Decision on Taking Business in Private

The Convener (Stuart McMillan): "Good morning, and welcome to the 25th meeting in 2024 of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee. We have received apologies from Jeremy Balfour. I remind everyone to switch off or turn to silent their mobile phones and other electronic devices…

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee meeting date: 17 September 2024

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

The Convener: "Under item 5, we are taking evidence from Mairi Gougeon, the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, on the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill…

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee meeting date: 17 September 2024

Instruments subject to Negative Procedure

The Convener: "Under item 3, we are considering eight instruments, on which no points have been raised."


How Stuart McMillan has voted in Parliament

Find out how Stuart McMillan has voted recently.

Motion ref. S6M-14534.1

Business Programme

Submitted by: Douglas Ross, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Date lodged: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Supported by: Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Jackson Carlaw, Finlay Carson, Sharon Dowey, Tim Eagle, Russell Findlay, Murdo Fraser, Meghan Gallacher, Maurice Golden, Pam Gosal, Jamie Greene, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Rachael Hamilton, Craig Hoy, Liam Kerr, Stephen Kerr, Douglas Lumsden, Roz McCall, Edward Mountain, Oliver Mundell, Graham Simpson, Liz Smith, Alexander Stewart, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Brian Whittle
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 57 for, 69 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524.1

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Ash Regan, Edinburgh Eastern, Alba Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 1 for, 125 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: John Swinney, Perthshire North, Scottish National Party. Date lodged: Monday, September 16, 2024

Supported by: Tom Arthur, Kate Forbes, Jamie Hepburn, Richard Lochhead, Angus Robertson
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 68 for, 56 against, 0 abstained, 5 did not vote

MSP voted for

Vote Passed

Motion ref. S6M-14524.4

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Douglas Ross, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 30 for, 96 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524.2

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 56 for, 70 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated



Questions Stuart McMillan has asked

These are the questions that this MSP has asked in Parliament. It also includes any answer to those questions.

Question ref. S6O-03758

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 18 September 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it has undertaken of what Scotland's fiscal position would be today if a "Yes" vote had been returned in the independence referendum of 18 September 2014."

Taken in the Chamber on 25 September 2024

Question ref. S6W-28043

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 5 June 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the latest round of negotiations between the college sector and trade unions."

Answered by Graeme Dey on 19 June 2024

Question ref. S6W-28074

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 6 June 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the current deployment of combined cataract and glaucoma procedures."

Answered by Jenni Minto on 18 June 2024

Question ref. S6W-28075

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 6 June 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of any benefits to (a) public expenditure and (b) patients’ wellbeing of an increase in the deployment of combined cataract and glaucoma procedures."

Answered by Jenni Minto on 18 June 2024

Question ref. S6W-28073

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 6 June 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government which emerging medical technologies it considers to have the most potential to improve the treatment of glaucoma over the next five years."

Answered by Jenni Minto on 18 June 2024

Question ref. S6T-02048

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 17 June 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde regarding dental provision in the Greenock and Inverclyde constituency."

Taken in the Chamber on 18 June 2024

Question ref. S6W-28089

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 7 June 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to replace the fishery protection vessel, MPV Minna, which came into service in 2003."

Answered by Mairi Gougeon on 14 June 2024

Question ref. S6O-03576

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 5 June 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the Communication Workers Union's call for housing standards to be updated to ensure that letterboxes are positioned at a suitably accessible height."

Taken in the Chamber on 13 June 2024

Question ref. S6W-27961

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 29 May 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its plans for the award of the next Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services contract."

Answered by Fiona Hyslop on 30 May 2024

Question ref. S6O-03532

Asked by: McMillan, Stuart, Greenock and Inverclyde, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 29 May 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government when it last met with senior management of West College Scotland to discuss the college's Greenock campus."

Taken in the Chamber on 6 June 2024

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